
Jollybaby is a brand of fabric educational books created for the youngest. Each of them has different surprises inside. While designing the logo our focus was to unite the creativity of the product with it educational side.


Made with the utmost care, the books enchant both with their attractive form and the content itself. Our goal was to highlight those fun and creative features of books.


A functional and responsive website design was the result of understanding the product through logo and packaging design process. Supported with the newest software we have created intuitive and creative web design.
Package and label
The task was to create packaging that will tell the story of each product. To highlight the creative future and educational side of books we have design fun and playful icons. Each element on the package is like a point on the map, that let customers explore advantages of books in a playful way.
Step by step
There are cute picture on the colourful pages to illustrate the story about each book
Label design
Introducing books to the youngest in a fun, creative and playful way.
Package design
Depending on the model, they teach numbers, letters, animals, logical thinking, activities useful in everyday life.
Web design
Creative design, modern and fully functional website that present brand and products in playful and fun way. By creating intuitive navigation through colourful graphic design we made sure that the customer can easily reach the product and learn about all futures.
Product card
Simple and clear design helps users to learn all about the futures of the product. The page also explains why futures are valuable for development of our kid's.
Mobile web
We didn't forget to make the project flexible. By running the page on different devices, the elements scale to the screen resolution, making browsing the content pleasant and easy.